October 2023 Newsletter
Extended version | Published October 2, 2023
OCFSN October Newsletter
If you’ve ever been to an in-person OCFSN gathering, you’ll be familiar with the practice we carry through each one of inviting attendees to bring a gift to share as a practice of abundance and reciprocity.
In August, folks from across the food system, from funders, public agencies, growers, service providers, and non-profit staff gathered at Black Futures Farm. We started the day off with a grounding ritual and facilitation by Nicole of Through the Trees Collective, nourished our bodies with breakfast from Cafe Zamora, an amazing lunch by Nikesiah of Meals 4 Heels, drafted community agreements together, and cooled off with refreshing iced tea from Mariquita Medicinals and popsicles from Kulfi PDX.
V1 of the Community Agreements BIPOC Affinity Group:
Own your impact
Prioritize kindness
Move up, move back
Make room for mistakes
Check your assumptions
Create space for silence
Community care includes self care
Pack up your trash
You good?!?
Prioritize learning over knowing
We look forward to co-creating more opportunities to gather with y’all in the upcoming year. If you are interested in joining future BIPOC-centered gatherings, please reach out to Shin at shin@ocfsn.org.
Meet Tanya! Her official first day as part of the OCFSN team will be October 16th. Tanya will be focused on supporting Oregon as the State Coordinator on the Northwest and Mountain Regional Food Business Center project as well as the Food Hub working groups and upcoming OCFSN programming.
Tanya Murray (she/her)For me it all started with a summer internship on a small CSA farm on the outskirts of Portland. It was beautiful work, but it was hard, sometimes monotonous, often uncomfortable. I can’t say I fell in love with it exactly but a deep knowing that this was work that really mattered took hold. Next came multiple seasons on organic vegetable farms. I pulled pigweed, planted Yukon Golds and harvested pounds and pounds of food, all bound for nearby kitchens. What grew for me during this time was an increasing awareness of the challenges farmers face when it comes to making a living farming. Curiosity about solutions spurred me to do a deep dive into learning about business management and ultimately led me to shift my career towards working to support farm viability. I am delighted to contribute to OCFSN’s work to strengthen and increase business development support for the farm and food businesses that are vital to thriving local and regional food system.
$6.65 million awarded for disaster resilience grant programs for Oregon’s farmers markets, food hubs and small farmers and ranchers!
Friends of Family Farmers is surveying producers, farmers market and food hub managers on what activities and projects will make your operation more climate resilient. Complete their survey today to get your input included in the program development!
In the final weeks of the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session, the Oregon Legislature invested in more resilient local food production and distribution through several funding allocations for disaster resilience granting programs. These grants include $2.65 million for farmer and rancher disaster resilience grants and $1.5 million for food hub infrastructure grants administered by the Oregon Community Food Systems Network (OCFSN). The Oregon Farmers Market Association (OFMA) was also awarded $2.5 million for grants for farmers market disaster resilience, accessibility improvements and SNAP technical assistance and equipment.This nationally unique funding ensures Oregon’s regional food systems and local producers will be more resilient to climate impacts such as heat, smoke and drought. This funding is one element of the Legislature's multifaceted efforts to meet the challenges of the climate crisis.
This funding was initially included in the expansive Bipartisan Drought Relief and Water Security Package (BiDRAWS) and was advocated for by a broad cross-section of OCFSN members. Late in the session, the funding was moved to the Christmas Tree Bill (Senate Bill 5506) and passed at the end of session.
The farmer and rancher resilience grants program builds off the successful OCFSN 2022 Farmer and Rancher Disaster Relief Program. OCFSN program managers are in the initial stages of this year’s program development.
If you are a producer or farm service provider with experience and interest in climate and agriculture issues we are currently accepting applications for our Farmer & Expert Advisory Committee who will help us ensure these funds meet the community’s needs. Details on the position are here and the application can be found here.
The partners would like to thank the people who testified and worked tirelessly to ensure this funding was a priority this legislative session. Friends of Family Farmers were outstanding advocates for this funding throughout the session, and worked with Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network and OCFSN to formulate the Disaster Resilience Grant Program. The Food Hub Infrastructure funding was developed from the work of the OCFSN Food Hub Network. A significant thank you is also due to Representative Helm and his team for championing this funding and for working closely with partners to steward this through the rocky 2023 Legislative Session. -
Regenerative Agriculture is a priority part of the Portland Clean Energy Fund’s Climate Investment Plan that passed last week.
Working Group Updates
Missed a meeting? You can find recordings of working group meetings on OCFSN’s Youtube Channel and other materials in our Public Google Drive.
Stay looped into the latest news for each of the working groups by joining the mailing lists: How to Use OCFSN Google Groups. -
The September Food Hub meeting included updates from Enhancements to Farm Direct Law with Alice Morrison of Friends of Family Farmers and Oregon Farm to Institution Collaborative (OFIC) updates from Amy Gilroy of ODA. Watch the recording here.
During the Veggie Rx virtual convening in August, we worked on jamboards and identified these top 3 goals for the working group.
Systematize & streamline statewide program operations
Develop shared administrative capacity
Develop sustainable growth & funding plan
Link to notes include recording, slides, jam board and list of attendees.
IN-PERSON Veggie Rx Convening scheduled for Friday, November 3 at Estrada Supermarket in Gresham.! Please RSVP by October 23. -
If you support producers in Oregon and have not joined the Farming for the Future Working Group (F4tF), I hope you will consider joining our collaborative work to support Oregon’s socially and ecologically responsible producers! We need your passion and ingenuity! The working group is fun, voluntary (you choose your level of involvement), has an active information and resource sharing listserv, and meets regularly on specific issue areas to share resources and build our collective capacity. Here is a link to join our working group and get updates on the F4tF happenings!
We have lots of ways to get involved, see some highlights below, and I hope to see you at an upcoming meeting or drop me a line at andrew@ocfsn.org.
Subgroup Meeting Updates:
Climate Resilience & Stewardship Subgroup Tricky Topics Series:
This subgroup has been hosting tricky topic conversations on issues at the intersection of climate and agriculture. In July we hosted a talk on western water law, agriculture, and climate change (recording). On October 18th at 10am we are hosting a conversation with National Sustainable Agriculture Coalitions (NSAC) staff on the intersection of climate change and federal crop insurance and disaster relief programs (add to your calendar). The presentation and discussion will focus on crop insurance and disaster relief — both expanding access, and how the current safety net is a primary driver of industrial farming and an impediment to climate adaptation.
Farm Viability Subgroup:
In August, Oregon farm/ranch business technical assistance providers met to discuss how to best connect to the new Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Food Business Center, how to communicate that farm business TA is value added to social benefit food production, and the challenges of this work under increasingly difficult economic conditions. (meeting recording and notes)
The next meeting is October 17th at 1pm. Add it to your calendar.
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Subgroup:
At the August subgroup meeting, UO graduate and F4tF 2023 intern, Tara Olson, presented her thesis - Agroecological Transformations in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Many of you in the working group were interviewed for the project (email andrew@ocfsn.org to get the research briefs). Members shared their program updates and we discussed next steps for the OCFSN BFR brochure and story map. Use this link to update your listing on the map or to get added. (meeting recording and notes)
Next meeting November 16 at 10am. Add it to your calendar.
Land Connection Technical Assistance Subgroup:
This subgroup consists of partners (FoFF, OAT and RFC) working on the Transitioning Oregon's Farmland (TOF) BFRDP project. Updates on project elements include:
Friends of Family Farmers' Navigate Program is actively accepting new applications from eligible farmers across Oregon to work with their staff Navigators.
Rogue Farm Corps' Future Farms Program just closed its third year of recruitment for the Farm Launch Program. Upcoming are 2024 Changing Hands Workshops and Host Farm applications to host and train aspiring farmers (due 11/15/2).
Oregon Agricultural Trust has many upcoming workshops and educational opportunities across the state this fall.
We want to expand this collective work to address the inequities of farmland access. An educational series on land access would be a great way to start this work. A presentation on the Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities Act would be an interesting start. If you would like to participate in the creation of that series please reach out.
The Public Policy Skills and Engagement Opportunities Working Group has hosted two presentations in our Farm Bill Series. The goal of these presentations is to increase Oregon food systems professionals understanding and comfortability in engaging in Farm Bill advocacy.
The first session was a Farm Bill 101 led by staff at the HEAL Food Alliance. The HEAL Food Alliance's Farm Bill platform is an inspiring look at how the Farm Bill could contribute to thriving communities and the planet. Event Recording
The second session featured presentations from Matt Newell-Ching, Oregon Food Bank, and Rachael Ward, Farmers Market Fund, on Food Security in Oregon and the Farm Bill. Event Recording
Stay tuned for the next event in our Farm Bill series on the work of the Native Farm Bill Coalition!
The CFS at the Legislature Working Group is in the process of planning for the 2024 Short Session. This group meets monthly during Oregon Legislative sessions to share updates and strategies for food systems legislative priorities. This collective sharing and support has built the reach and capacity for food systems policy work in Oregon over the years resulting in part to wins like the 2023 disaster resilience grants programs. Our next meeting is Oct. 31 at 9am (add it to your calendar) and folks are welcome to bring their legislative priorities or come and learn.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Add these to your calendar by visiting the Oregon Food Systems Calendar.
October 2023
October 18 | 10:00 - 11:00 am Crop Insurance and Disaster Relief, hear from NSAC Staff - Climate Resilience Subgroup (Virtual)
October 24 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting (Virtual)
October 31 | 9:00 - 10:00 am: CFS at the Legislature Working Group Meeting (Virtual)
November 2023
November 3 | Veggie Rx Convening in Gresham. RSVP by Oct 23. (In-Person)
November 16 | 10:00 - 11:30 am: Beginner Farmer and Rancher Subgroup Meeting (Virtual)
November 28 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting (Virtual)
Visit our Grants page to learn more about the below:
Ascend Oregon is currently accepting applications for its 2024 cohort focused on Food & Beverage and Consumer Goods. Learn more here.
[Apply by October 16, 5:00 pst] Seeding Justice Fall General Fund Grants. Learn more here.
[Apply by October 27, 11:59 pm pdt] 2023-2025 Rural Opportunity Initiative (ROI) Grant Program. Learn more here.
ROI is an investment in the vision and proficiency of rural communities and aligns with Business Oregon’s strategic plan to grow local businesses, cultivate rural economic stability, and champion opportunities for underrepresented Oregonians.
The Oregon Legislature has allocated $2 million to the ROI Grant Program for the current biennium.
[Apply by October 30] for USDA Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP)
The CFPCGP is intended to bring together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food system and to foster understanding of national food security trends and how they might improve local food systems.
CFPCGP solicits applications to fund three types of grants: Training and Technical Assistance, Planning Projects, and Community Food Projects. Learn more here.
[Apply by November 3, 11:50 pm est] Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) 2023 Local and Regional Healthy Food Financing Partnerships Program.
The HFFI Partnerships Program will offer funding to support local capacity and capital to establish and grow local, regional, or state food financing programs.
The Program will offer grants to support partnerships between organizations from different sectors that will work together at the local, state, or regional level to improve access to fresh, healthy, affordable food by providing financial and technical assistance to eligible projects.
This new program will expand the impact of the HFFI program nationally and bring in new partners to address the complexity of food access in communities across America. Through support of local and regional Partnerships, this program will build capacity for local groups serving the needs of their communities and deepen the reach of HFFI into underserved communities. Learn more here.
[Apply by January 13, 2024] Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Assistance for Producers Who Experienced Discrimination in USDA Farm Loan Programs. Learn more here.
Rogue Valley Community Food Assessment (RVCFA) Engagement Coordinator at Rogue Valley Food System Network. This contract position is 20 hrs/week at $25/hr. Please turn in Applications by October 20th for round one consideration. Learn more here.
Pacific Northwest Outreach and Technical Assistance Coordinator at American Farmland Trust. $50-55k salary. Learn more here.
Donor Stewardship Coordinator at the Organic Farming Research Foundation. Starting hourly rate i $23-28/hour. Learn more here.
Executive Director at Seed to Table. $85-95k salary. Apply by October 18. Learn more here.
Western Regional programs Director at FoodCorps. $105,000-123,000 salary. Learn more here.
Administrative Coordinator at Farmers Market Fund. $24k/year at 20 hrs/week. Apply by October 23. Learn more here.
Communications Contractor at Farmers Market Fund. October to December 2023. Apply by October 18. Learn more here.
Public Policy Intern with OCFSN. This position is remote, part-time, and contracted to support the OCFSN policy working groups through the 2024 Oregon short legislative session. Learn more here.
October 2 | Small Farm Social - FoFF, OSU Small Farms and Clackamas Community College. RSVP here.
October 2 | Come Thru Market. 1st and 3rd Mondays through the end of October. Learn more here.
October 4 | OSU Sustainable Food Manufacturing Forum in Corvallis. RSVP here.
October 5 | Rogue Farm Corp Host Farmer Info Session. RSVP here.
October 9 | Local Nonprofit Fair hosted by A Greater Applegate. RSVP here.
October 12 | Organically Grown Company’s Trust Gathering at McMenamins Edgefield. RSVP here.
October 16: Last Come Thru Market of the season.
October 16, 23 and 30: Living on the Land Series - OSU Extension. Learn more here.
October 20 | Taste of the Orchard fundraiser for Home Orchard Education Center in Oregon City, RSVP here.
October 26 | PDX Fruit Tree Project is hosting the world’s largest CharFruitTree Board on October 26th! Get tickets here
November 1, 8, 15 | Train the Trainer Workshop Series with OrCAN. Registration now open.
Please reach out to info@ocfsn.org with any questions regarding the content of this or future newsletters. To get email notifications when newsletter issues drop, join our mailing list below.