July 2023 Newsletter
Extended version | Published July 7, 2023
OCFSN Summer Newsletter
On June 7, Oregon State University hosted the first RFBC Town Hall in Corvallis after the USDA announcement of the 12 centers. OSU was chosen as one of the co-leads, along with Colorado State University for the Northwest and Rocky Mountain RFBC because of the incredible engagement of partners across Oregon grounded in collaborative governance, distributed leadership, and a lot of listening and learning.
We heard from Tricia Kovacs, the Deputy Administrator of Transportation and Marketing at USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. Her roots span from the Pacific Northwest as the Washington State Lead for the National Farm to School Program. OSU Partners shared updates as well:
Sydney DeLuna who facilitates the Oregon Food Hub Network
Nora Frank Buckner and Valerie Seagrest, Tahoma Peak Solutions
Amy Gilroy, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Erin Maher, Agricultural Connections
What preceded the RFBC?The local and regional relationships that enabled food to move during the pandemic highlighted the resiliency of equitable and diversified food systems across the country and of empowering community led partnerships. Resilient food systems infrastructure partnerships were also launched in each state and territory, a total of $420M, infrastructure grants to go support building better market access for farmers.
Three years of successful USDA Regional Food System Partnership (RFSP) grant projects.
2020: Two projects
Oregon North Coast Regional Food System Resiliency
Building Capacity and Collaboration to Catalyze the Development of an Equitable Regional Food Economy in the Portland Metropolitan Region
2021: Embedding Oregon Food Sector Development in Racial Equity, Climate Change Resilience, Fair Labor Practices, and Strategic Collaboration (Eight Food Hub cohort)
2022: Healthcare without Harm and ODA Oregon Farm to Institution Collaborative (OFIC)
What’s part of this Regional Food Business Center?
No physical building, but rather a collaboration between existing service providers across Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, and funded with 30 million dollars spread over the next five years
Includes new Business Builder Capacity Grants that go up to $100,000 directly into businesses in a way they haven’t been able to before
Ties into resilient food systems infrastructure funding
Read more in Orange Media Network’s May 25 article.
Congratulations to the three projects in Oregon that were selected for intended investment by the Biden-Harris Administration for the Increasing Land, Capital, and Market Access for Underserved Producers program!
The Black Oregon Land Trust, the Community Development Corporation Of Oregon, and the Indian Land Tenure Foundation were all selected for innovative projects through this unique opportunity.
Working Group Updates
It was a rollercoaster of a 2023 legislative session! We want to debrief food systems 2023 legislative priorities with the Network, so please join the OCFSN Policy Working Group’s End of 2023 Leg. Session Mini-Convening on July 25, 10:00 - 11:30 am. Register here.
Many OCFSN members and partners put in very hard work for the 2023 Session on a wide range of issues. There were wins and losses for food systems this session. Join us to learn and share what happened with OCFSN member priority bills and budgets. We will also begin the discussion of what’s next for the OCFSN Policy Working Group as we build up our collective power. Any questions please email Erik at policy@ocfsn.org.
The Public Policy Skills and Engagement Opportunities Working Group is preparing a series focusing on the 2023 Farm Bill. We hope to have a four part series starting in August focusing on: Farm Bill 101 with the HEAL Food Alliance, Nutrition, Native Farm Bill Coalition, and Farming & Production. -
The 2023 Census of Oregon’s Veggie Rx Programs is available! Watch Emily’s full presentation on Youtube.
Register to join us August 16 - 17 for the Veggie Rx Working Group Convening in Portland. We’ll definitely be spending time in Forest Grove with Adelante Mujeres and we’ll share out a full agenda as it emerges.
The Oregon Land Use and Farmland Protection presentations are up on our YouTube channel. Tune in to learn from experts, Greg Holmes and Nellie McAdams of 1000 Friends of Oregon, about Oregon's land use system and threats to protecting Oregon farmland.
The Farming for the Future working group participated in a tequio (volunteer farm work day) at Anahuac Farm south of Salem in June. It was a beautiful and fun day outside supporting this amazing community and cultural space. We look forward to future events with the Anahuac team.
Folks in the working group have asked if there is interest in creating a collaborative organizing space for community gardens across Oregon. This could include a space to discuss other forms of community food production not for profit. If this is of interest, email Andrew and he can coordinate an initial discussion.
Upcoming Meetings:Climate Resilience & Stewardship Subgroup Tricky Topics Series | Western Water Law, Agriculture, and Climate Change | July 24, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
We are excited for our second offering for this subgroup's tricky topics series! This session will be focused on western water law 101 with regional case studies on water solutions that make community food systems more resilient to climate change. Experts in western water law Caylin Barter, Wild Salmon Center, and Lisa Seales, Deschutes River Conservancy will be presenting. Bring your burning questions and join the discussion on how to create a better future for water, climate and agriculture in Oregon. Zoom link
Farm Viability Subgroup Meeting | August 2, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
This is a group of Oregon farm/ranch business TA providers who meet to collaborate/support each other. At our next meeting we will be discussing how this small but mighty group of TA providers can best connect to the exciting new Regional Food Business Center and brainstorm how to better communicate how farm business skills support farmers with goals beyond solely a profit motive such as producing food for their communities, building intergenerational wealth, and contributing to social and environmental justice. Zoom link.
Beginning Farmer & Rancher Subgroup Meeting | August 17, 10:00 - 11:30 am
Agenda forthcoming for this group of beginning farmer & rancher service providers. We often include a round robin with updates on programming across the state. Zoom link.
We want you to engage with this Working Group! Send Andrew an email and he can get you connected to this work.
The DEI Committee is currently reviewing the Action Plan created from the 2023 Equity Assessment responses. This will be interwoven with the upcoming strategic planning process.
During our May meeting, Amy McCann of Local Food Marketplace dove into the newly published case study reflecting on the first year of the Northwest Food Hub Network. Watch the recording here.
Southern Oregon Region to Region Distribution Plans for the hot topic for our June meeting. Sarah Akbari from Klamath Grown and Carrie Juchau from Josephine County Farm Collective share their region to region distribution plans and farm collective membership guidelines. Watch the recording here.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Veggie Rx Working Group Summer Convening (Summer 2023). RSVP to join us. **Date change, the event will be Wed & Thu, Aug 16 - 17.
BIPOC in the Food Systems Gathering (Summer 2023). RSVP to join us.
Add these to your calendar by visiting the Oregon Food Systems Calendar.
July 2023
July 19 | 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Farm & Land Viability Subgroup Meeting
July 25 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting
July 27 | 3:30-4:30 pm: Climate Resilience & Stewardship Subgroup
August 2023
August 17 | 10:00 - 11:30 am: Beginner Farmer and Rancher Subgroup Meeting
August 18 | 10:00 - 11:15 am: Let’s Talk About Equitable Benefits & Other HR Practices with Yana Ludwig of North Coast Food Web
August 22 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting
See our Opportunities in the Food System page for jobs, internships, funding opportunities and more!
Visit our calendar for events.
Rogue Valley Food System Network is seeking proposals for a Rogue Valley Community Food Assessment Consultant. Proposals are due July 21!