May 2023 Newsletter
Extended version | Published May 11, 2023
OCFSN Spring Newsletter
Staff celebrate one-year anniversary!
April 2023 marks Andrew and Shin’s one-year anniversary at OCFSN!
New Funding
The Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Food Business Center is official!
The USDA announced the 12 new Regional Food Business Centers last week. The Northwest & Rocky Mountain Regional Food Business Center will cover 6 states – Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Official start date: July 1. OCFSN is a part of this collaborative agreement, more to come!Veggie Rx Working Group awarded GusNIP Capacity Building Grant from the NTAE
(Read Veggie Rx Working Group updates below for more details)Roundhouse Foundation Support of Farming for the Future Working Group
Applications Submitted
Regional Food Systems Partnership proposal for the Capital Assistance for Local Farmers (CALF) Oregon Project - Friends of Family Farmers is the lead on this grant. Read more details in the Farming for the Future Working Group Update below.
OCFSN applied to AORTA client for strategic planning and structure support
OHA applied for the CDC State Physical Activity and Nutrition Education (SPAN) with OCFSN as a key partner to achieve Strategy 1B: Fruit and Vegetable Voucher/ Produce Prescription Programs (FVV/PPP)
OHA-PHD funds the Oregon Community Food System Network (OCFSN) to support Oregon’s SHIP nutrition security goals. OR SPAN will partner with SNAP/ SNAP-Ed and OCFSN to promote and facilitate the expansion of FVV/PPPs.
In April, OCFSN gathered with 35 folks in Astoria, Oregon on the North Coast. The North Coast Food Web team hosted us in their new office in the Astoria Food Hub. Familiar faces gathered in person, new team members met veteran food systems folks, we ate, got vulnerable, and mapped our work.
What stuck with folks after they went home:“As someone who took part of the forming of OCFSN, but who has not had much direct engagement with it or community food system work since 2015, I was initially struck by how almost everyone participating in this event was new to me, even if some of the organization names were familiar. Some organizations were gone, and new ones were there instead. Changes like that can sometimes indicate lack of stability and burnout, and I'm sure some of that has taken place over the years. A generational shift in leadership in most organizations had occurred, and that can sometimes be fraught with tensions. But instead of mostly tension and burnout what I saw was a room full of engaged and committed people representing organizations that were continuing to evolve and strengthen, including OCFSN itself. “
“Heartwarming! It was so helpful and affirming to meet people in person after so many Zoom calls. The folks who gathered are creative, visionary, hardworking, and collaborative, and it was exciting to have so many people take the time to be together amid stressful and busy lives. The convening encouraged momentum that can carry forward into more ongoing partnerships.”
“That was by far the most mindful convening I have ever attended. The whole person was very clearly considered in planning and over the two days itself.”
Some feedback we heard:
“This may have happened behind the scenes, but maybe involving the larger group in brainstorming specific people to invite ahead of time. The convening is a good way to meet people and feel more engaged, and some people might have been more likely to come with a direct 1:1 invitation.”
A schedule with a little more time for the meaty discussions.”
The content of our convenings continues to emerge and improve with all of the feedback we see and hear. We can’t cover everything we’d like all of the time and much of what is shared with us does get incorporated into future gatherings. Thank you again for the ongoing thoughtfulness and kindness in providing your experiences.
When: May 19, 9:00 - 10:30 am
For 50 years Oregon has helped protect its agricultural and forest lands from development through its strong land use program. But during that time, we've still lost over 2 million acres from agriculture production. Some of the best soils in the state (if not in the world) are already paved under our cities.
Oregonians have stood up for the land use program time after time at the ballot box, yet it often suffers a death by 1000 cuts due to unstrategic expansions of our Urban Growth Boundaries, 60 non-farm uses allowed in land zoned for Exclusive Farm Use, and the price of land generally.
On May 19th at 9am, come learn about Oregon’s land use planning system and issues affecting land use in the 2023 legislative session from staff and Board of 1000 Friends of Oregon - the state's primary defender of and educator about the land use program.
Further resources: Learn more by listening to the Oregon Public Broadcasting Series - Growing Oregon.
Working Group Updates
We are excited to generate so much energy around Oregon Veggie Rx work and how to collaboratively build capacity! This month, we met to explore a GusNIP grant opportunity that we ultimately decided to wait to apply for, but it created a lot of excitement and attention to focus on where we want to be going as a network. We also received a GusNIP Capacity Building and Technology Grant from the capacity building grant award from the Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Center (NTAE) to support participation of CBOs and community members to help build that vision of working together.
Additional highlights for the Veggie Rx Working Group:
May Veggie Rx Working Group Meeting: Tuesday, May 16th @ 2pm. Add to calendar.
To harness the great energy, we are planning an in-person Veggie Rx convening! Please fill out this meeting survey by Sunday, May 14th to help with thoughts/times what would work best for you/your team.
Masters of Public Health Student, Emily Carlson, has been supporting the working group on a variety of projects, including conducting a program census to better understand the common components of Veggie Rx programs across the state. To include your program, please fill out the census here.
We met with OHA and worked on strengthening our relationship to support existing Veggie Rx programs.
Adelante Mujeres' staff, Carla Fisanich and Mayra Hernandez, attended the Food is Medicine Summit in Boston and presented on their community-centered Produce Rx Program.
The CFS at the Legislature is holding its meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM for the remainder of the session. These dates are May 18th and June 15th. A summary of our previous meeting on April 20th can be found here. We have been focusing on budgets and budget advocacy in these meetings.
Fiscal impact has been added to the Bills to Watch. If you have more information to add please contact Erik at
OCFSN is included in Bipartisan Drought Relief and Water Security Package (BiDRAWS) in HB 3124, component 4-7 and 4-8 which request Disaster and Drought Resilience Funding and farmers market and food hub funding. Learn more here.
National Sustainable Coalition Agriculture Coalition: Local Farms and Food Act Strengthens Regional Food Economies Across the US.
Local food systems have become ever more important in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Disruption of supply chains worldwide meant that local producers were now critical food systems suppliers for their respective communities across the country. Recently, the Local Farms and Food Act (S1205, HR2723) was introduced to offer reforms to the Local Agriculture Market Program, among other programs, to sustain investments, promote resilient food systems and to adapt to the lessons learned throughout the pandemic. Increased spending in local and regional food systems will help farmers earn more, grow the economy, and build healthier communities. The bill will support the Local Agriculture Market Program, the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Collectively, these programs have helped generate $11.8 billion in local food sales. The Local Farms and Food Act aims to further reduce barriers to entry to these programs.
Members of the Farming for the Future Working Group have been engaged in exciting collaborative work to support Oregon’s environmentally and socially responsible producers! Below are some of the grant proposal writing, educational program developing, and project implementing highlights - oh my!
The Climate Resilience & Stewardship Subgroup hosted its first tricky topic climate and agriculture conversation on April 28. Mike Badzmierowski PhD, ODA Soil Health Specialist and Jennifer Moore PhD, USDA ARS Research Soil Scientist presented an overview of the latest science in agriculture soil carbon sequestration and current soil carbon research happening in Oregon. Send Andrew an email to get the link for that recording and learn more!
Led by Friends of Family Farmers, 10 nonprofit and 5 funding partners came together to develop and submit the Capital Assistance for Local Farmers (CALF) Project to the USDA Regional Food Systems Partnership Program in early May. If funded, the CALF Project will make grant and loan programs from government entities and traditional lenders more accessible to small, highly diversified, local market farmers. The Farming for the Future working group helped to inform and recruit partners to strengthen the proposal. If you have exciting collaborative project ideas and need support, bring your ideas to the working group! We are here to lift each other up.
The NEW Willamette Valley Regional Hub of the Oregon Farm Link Program launched! The program serves eligible land seekers in the mid and south Willamette Valley with one-on-one technical assistance in their farmland search. This program expansion is part of the Transitioning Oregon Farmland BFRDP! Visit the Navigate website to learn more.
Upcoming meetings:
The next Beginning Farmer & Rancher subgroup meeting is May 18 at 10am. ZOOM LINK
Climate Resilience & Stewardship subgroup’s next meeting will be a presentation on Water, Agriculture and Climate in Oregon. Stay tuned for presenters and timing for a June meeting.
Oregon Land’s Use and Farmland Protection Presentation: May 19th, 9am - 10:30am - REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT
We want you to engage with this Working Group! Send Andrew an email and he can get you connected to this work.
The 2023 Equity Assessment responses received are being reviewed. We anticipate being able to share responses received and a drafted Action Plan back out to the network by early July. We’ll likely host a virtual mini-convening to create space for discussion.
A random number generator will be used to select three giftcard recipients by the end of this month.
We will keep the assessment form open as we continue to welcome feedback. You can find it on the DEI Committee page.
It has been a busy time for gatherings. In March, the folks in Southern Oregon held the Rogue Valley Food Systems Network gathering.
In April, many of the hubs in the network attended the incredible OCFSN convening hosted by Food Web in Astoria.
For our April meeting, Abigail Blinn and Ella Burke from RVFSN brought these experiences and learnings to the larger group. Review notes here.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Veggie Rx Working Group Summer Convening (Summer 2023)
Please fill out this planning poll for folks interested in participating
BIPOC in the Food Systems Gathering (Summer 2023)
Southern Oregon Regional Convening (Fall/Winter 2023)
Full Network Convening (Winter/Spring 2024)
* If you are interested in supporting the planning team on events, please reach out to Shin at
Add these to your calendar by visiting the Oregon Food Systems Calendar.
May 2023
May 16 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm: Veggie Rx Working Group
May 18 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm: CFS at the Legislature Working Group
May 18 | 10:00 - 11:30 am: Beginner Farmer & Rancher Subgroup
May 19 | 9:00 10:30 am: Oregon Land Use and Farmland Protection Mini-Convening
May 23 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm : Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting
June 2023
June 15 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm : CFS at the Legislature Working Group
June 27 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting
July 2023
July 19 | 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Farm & Land Viability Subgroup Meeting
July 25 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Food Hub Working Group Monthly Meeting
July 27 | 3:30-4:30 pm: Climate Resilience & Stewardship Subgroup
Visit our Grants page to learn more about the below:
May 16: Value Added Producer Grants in Oregon (paper) deadline - USDA
Anytime: Friends of Family Farmers Oregon Farm Link (OFL) is offering one-on-one support and land access coaching for farmers of color seeking land in Oregon and still accepting applications ANYTIME! Have more questions about the Navigate program? Read more or reach out to
NCBACLUSA just shared this rad compilation of funding opportunities in their May newsletter
Visit our Jobs page to learn more about each of the below:
Food Access and Systems Coordinator with Gorge Grown Food Network
Community Food Justice Organizer at Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon
Part time educator with Youth Grow Program at Growing Gardens
Program Coordinator at Klamath Grown
Project Manager at American Farmland Trust
For frequently updated listings of jobs in sustainable agriculture, check out Good Food Jobs and the COMFOOD-Jobs listserv.
Summer Internships with Corvallis Environmental Center
For sustainable farming internships and apprenticeships, check out the National Sustainable Agriculture Service’s interactive directory.
Events & Workshops
Check out the Oregon Food Systems Calendar for a more comprehensive list of events
May: Online Classes Available - OSU Small Farms Program
May 11: Spring Farmer/Rancher Networking Night - HDFFA
Backyard Orchards as Wildlife Habitat by Portland Fruit Tree Project
June 1: Soil Health Principles that Improve Farm Operations Workshop - Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation
June 10: Junetenth Celebration at Zenger Farms. Save the date for our annual Juneteenth Celebration on June 10th, 2023! This special Open Farm Day event centers Black voices, small businesses, organizations, joy, wellness, and community connection.